Category Archives: communiqué

Town of North Hempstead near deal to buy Roslyn Country Club for $2 million; Town Board Vote Scheduled for June 19

via Town of North Hempstead

North Hempstead Supervisor Jon Kaiman and Town Councilman Tom Dwyer announced the negotiation of an agreement to acquire 7.3 acres of open and recreational space in the Roslyn area. The agreement calls for the $2 million dollar transaction to be funded through the Town’s Environmental Legacy Fund.

The Town Board will vote on the agreement at June 19 Town Board meeting, held at 7:30pm at 220 Plandome Road in Manhasset.

The new recreational space will be open to all Town residents.

More by Newsday

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Town of North Hempstead close to signing deal to purchase Roslyn Country Club facilities

Town of North Hempstead politicians announced they are within weeks of buying the majority of the Roslyn Country Club property for $2 million – leaving the catering hall in the hands of the current owner – with the expectation of having the new town park open by the summer 2013. Country Club residents will have their easements condemned by the town.

Councilman Tom Dwyer and Supervision Jon Kaiman – speaking for over an hour – addressed an audience at The Wheatley School of about 100 Country Club residents to share the details of their plan and status of negotiations. Though the plan has not been signed and specifics details were left undefined, the two elected officials are confident that this deal will be signed in the immediate future – “literally one week to two weeks away” said Councilman Dwyer .

Building a new heated pool, refurbishing the tennis courts, upgrading the facilities, along with a first-class food service area will be forthcoming in the first draft of plans. They expect to eventually put the tennis courts in a dome, having a year round facility.

The expected cost to the town will be $10 million, which includes buying the property and the expected renovations. The use of the facility will be open to families residing in the Town of North Hempstead for around $1000 a season. Parking was left ambiguous. Street parking is permitted in Roslyn Country Club.

Expect details forthcoming about a Town Hall meeting where the final agreement will be discussed and voted on.

Update: Newsday’s article on the meeting

RCCCA 2012 Meeting – April 16, 7:30 at The Wheatley School

[A Message from the RCCCA]

Dear Neighbors,

The Roslyn Country Club Civic Association will hold our Annual Meeting:

Monday April 16 – 7:30 pm at The Wheatley School

At this meeting we will:
· Elect Officers
· Approve Changes to our Bylaws and Constitution
· Provide an Update on the Club

Importantly, we will welcome North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman and Councilman Tom Dwyer, who will update us on developments in their efforts to reopen the Club as a Town facility. We anticipate this to be a riveting discussion.

We think you will agree that this meeting will be well worth attending.

Please make every effort to be there if you can and let friends know as well.