Security has always been at the heart of Roslyn Country Club. From the earliest days, the community came together to fund safety and health initiatives (1949, Newsday). The neighborhood used to have private security (neighbors and then for-hire) patrolling the neighborhood.
There was also an internet surveillance system with private security cameras, tho there is mixed recollections of how that system was implemented. Webcams in the mid-90s were of a different caliber than they are today.
Today, we could create a similar system far more simply, without the high cost of maintenance, with each of us connecting a camera on our own property to our own centralized system. All who join could have access to all the cameras to monitor our neighborhood. It would be a voluntary system to enter, with probably a low monthly fee, but to enter, one would obviously need to be a resident of the neighborhood, and have a camera on their property facing the street that is part of the network.

The 16 orange stars are the points of entry for each section.
WE could do it… again.